If you are not familiar with the storyline of Bye Bye Birdie here is Broadwayworld's description:"In Bye Bye Birdie, the exuberant rock n' roll musical comedy, it's 1960 and hip-swingin' teen idol superstar Conrad Birdie (Funk) has been drafted into
the army. Birdie's manager Albert (Stamos) and his secretary Rosie (Gershon) have cooked up a plan to send him off with a swell new song and one last kiss from a lucky teenage fan... on "The Ed Sullivan Show"! Bye Bye Birdie received the 1961 Tony Award® for Best Musical and features such beloved songs as "Put on A Happy Face," "Kids," "Spanish Rose," "The Telephone Hour" and "A Lot of Livin' To Do."

Visit www.byebyebirdieonbroadway.com for more info!
"I don't know what's wrong with these kids today!"- from Kids from Bye Bye Birdie
Bye Bye Birdie is one of my top favorite musicals. I am wicked excited that it's coming to Broadway and even more excited that John Stamos is in it. I'm the hugest Full House fan EVER!