Last night attended Jeremy Schonfeld’s Upright Cabaret west coast debut @ The Vermont Restaurant in LA. Joining Jeremy onstage was special guests Christian Campbell, Julie Garnye, America Olivo, Adam Pascal, and Tracie Thoms.
Let me just start by say what a great job Upright Cabaret does in setting up such lovely performances at great venues. The best part about it is that you are up close and personal with these artists, which makes the performances ten times better. This has been my second upright show and each time has been so wonderful. You must attend an upright show !
I had heard of Schonfeld’s work before and had seen some youtube videos from NY performances but let me tell you that you must see this man in person. He delivers each note with such passion and vibrancy. I could not stop myself from tapping my toes, rocking my head, and even singing along to the music. Schonfeld performed a variety of his material including songs from his musical Drift. My favorite song for that piece was State of the Heart which was sung by the talent & lovely couple Christian Campbell and America Olivo.
The song is about a couple explaining to their child that they are getting divorce. Sounds depressing I know, but the song is soo touching and beautiful that you just have to push back the tears. My second favorite song from Drift was Cornerstone sung by the Broadway Rockstar Adam Pascal who blew the roof off. Every time I hear Pascal sing live I swear I get chills, that man can rock the hell out of anything. Tracie Thoms sung a piece that Schonfeld wrote for her called Falling Apart. Schonfeld said it best the song was her for and only she can sing it so well.
It was my first time seeing her live and what beauty and power in her voice. Another song I absolutely loved was Greta performed by the vocal powerhouse also known as Julie Garnye. The best song that Schonfeld sang solo in my opinion was the opening number The Fuck Up Song from the film“Clear Blue Tuesday”. The lyrics in that song rock and flow together so well. Last but not least I must say that Schonfeld’s new material sounded great and I cannot wait to hear more!
Overall what a great night of rocking music! My only request is that someone please see the talent in Schonfeld’s art and put this man’s work on Broadway stage. I think now is the time that songs like his can really capture the American theatre goers, who are more accepting of deeper pieces rather than just the glitz and glamour musicals. Look at the hit Broadway show Next to Normal for example, a Tony award winning musical which looks behind closed doors into a family with a bipolar parent dealing with grieving a loss, drug abuse, and suburban life.
Theatre goes want more than just the song and dance man they want to be moved, they want to see themselves in characters, and they want something they can relate too. I think Schonfeld’s on to something here and can really tap into this change in theatre goers. I cannot wait to see his next work of art. Side Note: Adam Pascal, Traci Thoms and Jeremy Scholnfeld could not have been nicer and even took the time to speak to my niece and I award the show.
For more info on Jeremy Scholnfeld click here!
“Tuesday and Thursday”-song from Dift by Jeremy Scholnfeld
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