The Lottery: The Lottery first started with RENT. The creators of RENT knew that their young audience could not afford to make it out to the theatre and pay its normal high prices. So, from the start they offered $20 tickets for the first two rows, which could be won day of the show in a lottery. So here is how it works: you show up a couple of hours prior to the show, bring $20-$25 dollars in cash and if you are picked in the lottery you can buy either one or two tickets for that nights show. Many theatres have adopted this discount so check if they show you want to see if they offer the Lottery. Always check the theatre's policy, prior to showing up since each theatre handles it's lottery differently and charge different cost for their lottery tickets.
Center Theatre Group's Opening Night FREE Standby Line: The Center Theatre Group hosts a standby line for all of their opening night performances for the public to get in for free. They give out these tickets for free because they want to pack the house for opening night. The tickets are based on cancellations and no-show, so the number of tickets they give out is not a set number. Here is what you do: 1st join the Center Theatre Group's facebook page; they will send out reminders to you when their opening nights are and if there is a standby line offered, 2nd show up that day two to three hours prior to the start of the show to get in line, at 7pm a theatre employee will come out and pass out numbers for a raffle and ask that you not leave the line until they give out all the tickets. Thirdly: at ten till they will start to pass out tickets to the show. When they pass out tickets randomly this means that the 1st person in line will not always get the best seat they have, also if you go with a group you most likely will not sit next to each other so be prepared to seat by yourself. I have done this twice now (#83 & #37 in line) and both times I gotten great seats for Free!
"Money makes the world go round"- Lyrics from song titled Money, Money, Money from Cabaret
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