This 1996 film was written and directedby Tom Hanks. The story takes you on the journey of the fast rise and fall of a one-hit wonder band of the 1960's. The band is made of up four Beatles like characters who call themselves the "Wonders". Guy Patterson is the drummer who joined the band after it's drummer broke his arm.
Guy is played by Tom Everett Scott and totally is that cool dude in the shades who is obsessed with jazz. Then there is Jimmy Mattingly the songwriter/ guitarist/ singer , played by Johnathon Schaech. Jimmy is full of himself and gets loss in the world of showbiz. Lenny Haise played by the comic genius Steve Zahn, is the guitarist and singer. Lenny is all about having fun and does not think before he acts. Ethan Embry plays the last member of the band the boyish bass player T.B. Player. Also in the cast is Liv Tyler who plays Jimmy's girlfriend who joins the boys on the road. Tom Hanks plays the boys manager from the record company. The flim also stars a very young Charlize Theron, as Guys girlfriend.

If you have yet to see thing flim you must! I have seen it at least 10 times and have never gotten tried of it. The story is fun, full of great music, and will leave you singing the hit song That Thing You DO for plays. The sountrack is a must buy!!! There is not one track on it that I do not love!
"That Thing You DO"-song from self titled movie
This is one of my all time favorite movies. Thanks for reviewing it :)