So I was planning to do stage door if the theatre did one. I brought with me my Spring Awakening: In The Flesh book in case I could get Michael Mayers, Gerard Canonico, Brian Charles Johnson and of course John Gallagher Jr's autographs. I felt like a total dork with my book but I thought "Hey this might be my only chance to meet these guys". Book in hand I boarded the B.A.R.T (aka Metro/Subway system in the Bay Area) to head to the theatre from San Francisco with hopes to get there early pick up tickets and get some food before the show. When I got off my car in the station I heard this voice, I do not know what he said but I turned and said John Gallagher Jr.? To which he made eye contact with me and said yes.... I tried not to flip out because then I saw about a hand full of American Idiot cast members with him. I told them I was a big fan and that I was coming to see the show.
The cast were all so nice and told me they hope I enjoy it, etc. I then proceeded to ask John for his autograph and I took the Spring Awakening book out to which he knew exactly where he wanted to sign. I do not even remember what I said to him but I did built up the courage to ask the dreaded question I hate to ask anyone I admire for their body of work, "Can I get a photo with you?". He was like of course. We took three attempts to take a photo. First attempt did not work because my camera was set to video (see below). Then I fixed the setting, took photo to which no flash, then changed setting again to which I now have a photo with Mr. Gallagher Jr. himself! He told me to enjoy the show, have a great time. etc. He was nothing but nice to me and my brother the whole time.
I did lunch, walked around town and then went into the theatre. Then I saw him MICHAEL MAYER!!! This is where I lost it. I am not sure what I said but somewhere in there I got out that I was a huge Spring Awakening fan, loved what he has done for the theatre, and asked him to sign my book. He was in a hurry to get back stage but was so nice even though I know I did not make any sense. I had the chance to meet him once before in San Diego after the National Tour of Spring Awakening performance but was too nervous to say a word. And when I do talk to this amazing director and at a lose for words.
After the show I proceed to the area in which Mr. Mayer had told me to go in order to get the cast signatures afterwards. There was only four of us who stood but we four got almost everyone's signatures as they came out on their run to eat dinner before the next show. When Gerard saw my Spring Awakening book he said he knew exactly where I wanted him to sign. Brian could not believe how long it had been since the last time he was asked to sign one of those books. All of them were soooo nice. Rebecca Naomi Jones came up to me and said hey we rode the B.A.R.T. together right :).
Last person to come out was John Gallagher Jr. He spend about 5 minutes talking to each of us individually who where there waiting for autographs. He asked where we were from, if we liked the show, why he signed on to the project, how much he hopes the show will have a run in NYC, how he wished more of his friends could see it, etc. He was nothing more then a gentlemen and went above and beyond what most actors do at stage door. I told him about the Blog so John if you read this THANK YOU for making my trip a blast! Here is the video of the photo we were attempting to take on the wrong setting. ( I think I am saying there was not light lol)
"Tales of Another Broken Home "-song from American Idiot
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